Valken Silicone Paintball Barrel Cover
Safety in paintball is everything! Stay safe even if an accidental discharge occurs at the paintball field with a Valken paintball silicone barrel cover! Durable and simple, this paintball barrel cover slips over the barrel of almost any paintball gun, then lanyards around the gun holding it in place, ensuring that an accidental shot in the staging area or anywhere players aren’t wearing goggles won’t do any harm. A paintball gun barrel cover is a necessary safety device at all professional paintball fields and playing parks.
Ratings & Reviews
2 Reviews
barrel cover
Fred_the_beast| 7/2/2018 12:09 pm
Best barrel cover i have ever bought. I have had mine forever. Best part it can ajust to fit mostly any size gun.
Easy to clean
Stew| 10/26/2018 9:08 pm
I use these on my rentals. I have had a few where the elastic frayed, but I still like them. The fabric socks fit in a pocket better than the rubber type (these are no different than the nicer Exalt ones in that respect). They clean easier than the fabric type, which is why I changed over to them.